Hari ni tiba-tiba rasa nak buat review spf ni sebab suka hati lah.
SPF ni I pakai 2 bulan lebih doh. Beli kat Althea. Sign up sekarang sebab sokmo ada promotion!!!
Dari brand ni ada dua jenis sun cream. Yang waterproof spf, and daily spf.
I beli yang daily (tak waterproof) so senang nak tanggalkan kalau nak ambil wudhu'.
I beli yang daily (tak waterproof) so senang nak tanggalkan kalau nak ambil wudhu'.

Consistency: not thick. Watery + milky consistency. I don't even have to squeeze the tube so much because the sun cream slides down itself. = maksudnya sun cream ni agak cair.
Moist when apply and absorbs well.
*Sorry la tangan gelap sangat sebab I sengaja bagi light focus dekat sun cream tu
Moist when apply and absorbs well.
*Sorry la tangan gelap sangat sebab I sengaja bagi light focus dekat sun cream tu

So this is my weird face. After apply suncream I only powder my face (pic below w/ natural light, no filter)
I've tried this sun cream underneath my makeup and I don't have any problem with it.
Rating: ok lah/5
because I don't have any other suncream to compare so I'm so confused. Personally I like it.
BUT I've never tried other spf before.
Please suggest me other good spf so I can compare with this one.
Nicee post